Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Love is to Push and Shove.

Love is waiting, love is comiserating, love is bating that person in, then they kick you in the shin but you just try try again. Love is a fate that no one can escape. love is a trap and you have to adapt. Love is a subconcious state, maybe a thing that you hate? Love is your slampiece make you a ham and cheese sandwich. Love is not faking but banking that they are breaking, because you can feel them shaking. Love is talking, NOT stalking! Love is physical, but eventually becomes mental. Love is having the superpower not to physically encounter but to pass that freaking flower!  Love is trying to understand, not to abandon. Love is God, there is NO fraud with God!! Love is commanding and demanding so the next person can be outstanding! Love is sometimes just having a good time! But you should try to all the time! Love is having nerves to splurge. Love is not having to worry that you are worthy. Love is time and time is forever and you have to be clever to never ever not love! Love is alive and it needs to thrive!

1 comment:

  1. that was cool. o haven't read any that rhyme yet. i liked it! it was different and relatable. like your style
